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Hobgood Electric



Services Provided

Digital Strategy, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface Design (UI), Content Strategy & Writing, Video Production, Full Stack Website Development, ADA Accessibility, Continuous Website Improvement, Ongoing Website Support, Hosting & Monitoring, Digital Brand Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What we did

Hobgood Electric is a multi-crafted industrial electrical solutions provider in South Carolina. They approached our team looking for a better way to tell their story online through dynamic imagery, clear content, and a refreshed brand strategy. The overall website goals included promoting professionalism, increasing overall traffic, and creating more hiring opportunities. To accomplish this, our digital strategists proposed a sleek website design with an emphasis on accessibility and functionality. We refreshed their content to tighten up their brand voice and messaging while paying close attention to SEO best practices. Finally, we used fresh video and photography sitewide to capture an authentic preview of Hobgood Electric’s culture and energy to captivate users online.

Screenshot #1 for the project
Screenshot #2 for the project Screenshot #3 for the project

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