What Is The Value In UX Web Design
Web Design & Development
For any business to be successful, it has to provide a satisfactory experience for its customers. Whether it’s selling a product, service or idea, if no one’s buying, there’s no business. Remember that riddle about the tree falling in the forest – if there’s no one around, does it make any noise? The same principle holds true for all business enterprises, including website design. User experience (UX) is a crucial factor. If you’re interested in learning how enhancing your UX can help bolster your business and generate more leads, keep reading!
Every day, your business is challenged by competitors. To gain momentum, you have to find a way to stand out. That’s one reason why UX is an essential component of success; users remember a brand if they have a positive experience with it. Think Apple, Google, Amazon: they continue to prosper in part because they dedicate time and resources to UX as part of their website design strategy. And savvy users can tell; in fact, users often feel that a poor site design means that a business just doesn’t care enough, which then decreases the trust they place in that business.
“User” and “experience” are concepts that naturally go hand in hand: users come to your site, and the experience they have there determines if there will be further involvement with your company. And a significant part of that experience has to do with the site itself, not the services or goods being offered. UX Passion, a website design agency, cites research that says upwards of 90 percent of users have stopped using an app and uninstalled it due to a poor experience. On the other hand, the same percentage of people said that “an exceptional customer experience is worth paying extra.” So it’s easy to see why UX is a worthwhile investment!
UX design has proven to be a game-changer in the world of website design. Companies that thoughtfully and intentionally develop their UX design can experience as much as a 37 percent increase in revenue, according to UX Passion. There’s a huge return on investment (ROI) to be gained from devoting time and resources to your business site’s UX. In today’s competitive marketplace, having a great product or service is simply not enough to retain customers.
A common misconception about incorporating UX into website design is that it’s just about creating a seamless experience for your visitors. That’s a key element – users definitely don’t want to deal with a buggy interface – but it’s also about creating a positive experience for your users. By being attentive to the needs and wants of your users you’ll build trust and mutual respect, which will inevitably strengthen your relationship. When that happens, they’ll be much more likely to tell their friends and family that your company is worth checking out.
But there’s more to it: your website design is equally important. Aesthetics play a major role in UX. Users like clean, professional-looking layouts. Take the time to develop your content strategy and execute it with the user in mind. Pay attention to industry trends. Keep in mind that users can sense when their needs are being met – and they’ll reward you with loyalty for that extra, personalized touch.
The core component of UX design isn’t the design itself, it’s the user who experiences it. Our approach to website design is all about creating and retaining relationships, which has a foundation in shared values. To this end, aligning your values and message with user expectations is crucial. You don’t want your users to expect too much, which will inevitably lead to disappointment. At the same time, you don’t want to give them too much and make them feel overwhelmed. To best foster a stable relationship with your consumers, your central values and message should be balanced and consistent.
It’s also important to consider how much attention you’re getting from your users. People often say they don’t have time to spend on certain things; a more truthful statement might be that they don’t have the attention to give. Paying attention can be wearying; in order to be fully present, you have to be mindfully engaged. Realistically, users have limited attention to devote to your content. Be aware of that and make the most of the focused time you have. Again, you don’t want to overwhelm them. Be considerate and concise with your messaging – your users will appreciate it.
At DuBose Web Group, user experience is at the forefront of our approach to website design. Everything we do is ultimately centered on UX; our top priority is to create website designs that provide meaningful interaction for users. When we do that, it generates trust between us and our customers. Let us know what you (the user right now!) think – we’d love your feedback. And if you like what you see, get in touch with us about how we can help grow your digital presence.